Personal Symbol

For the personal symbol assignment, I tried to create a graphic that combined my two passions. I tried to be vague enough to encompass the many facets these passions take. I included the record player as a symbol representing my interest in recorded music, and I included the bass cleff to reflect the fact that I play the bass. I included the oversized pencil in place of a needle to illustrate the fact that I like to draw, as well as the fact that the pencil is in a way creating the graphic as a whole, which reflects my interest in graphic design. I could have added other things, but I didn’t want it to be a mishmash of disparate ideas.


Brandon Smith Symbol

About Brandon Smith

My name is Brandon Smith. I'm a full time graphic designer working with a non-profit organization in Houston Texas. I am also a student at Arizona State University through their online division. I am majoring in Graphic Information Technology. From an early age, I've always been possessed by a desire to create. Whether it's pencil and paper, photography, digital art, video or design, I feel the need to put things out into the world that reflect my values and beliefs. When I graduate, I would like to continue my career in design and graphic commercial art. When I'm not in front of a computer, I like to play bass guitar, read, and write.

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